

Sean Jun as known as uniquelab, the Korean artist has developed quite a following with his fresh illustrations. Like being caught off guard with a camera, his portraits often capture fleeting moments within everyday scenes. Mid-sip of a coffee in the early morning beams, a half-glance at the viewer – perhaps it is this low-level posing from his characters which makes them so easy to connect to.

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Sean Jun as known as uniquelab, the Korean artist has developed quite a following with his fresh illustrations. Like being caught off guard with a camera, his portraits often capture fleeting moments within everyday scenes. Mid-sip of a coffee in the early morning beams, a half-glance at the viewer – perhaps it is this low-level posing from his characters which makes them so easy to connect to.

Sean Jun as known as uniquelab, the Korean artist has developed quite a following with his fresh illustrations. Like being caught off guard with a camera, his portraits often capture fleeting moments within everyday scenes. Mid-sip of a coffee in the early morning beams, a half-glance at the viewer – perhaps it is this low-level posing from his characters which makes them so easy to connect to.

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